How to Use Mobile Tracker to Ensure Your Child Safety Online

How to Use Mobile Tracker to Ensure Your Child Safety Online

How to Use Mobile Tracker to Ensure Your Child Safety Online

How to Use Mobile Tracker to Ensure Your Child’s Safety Online

In today's digital age, children are exposed to the internet from a very young age. While the internet offers countless educational and entertainment opportunities, it also poses risks such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and online predators. As a parent, ensuring your child's safety online is a top priority, and mobile tracking apps can be an invaluable tool in achieving this. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use mobile tracker apps to keep your child safe online.

1. Choose the Right Mobile Tracking App

The first step is selecting a reliable mobile tracking app. Look for features like:

  • Real-time location tracking
  • Internet usage monitoring
  • App and website blocking
  • Geofencing alerts
  • Call and message monitoring

Popular mobile tracking apps include Qustodio, mSpy, Norton Family, and Kaspersky Safe Kids. Research and choose one that best fits your needs and budget.

2. Set Up the Mobile Tracking App

Once you've chosen an app, follow these steps to set it up:

  • Install the app on both your child’s device and your own. Most apps will require installation on both the target device (your child's phone) and a monitoring device (your phone or computer).
  • Create an account and configure settings. Sign up for an account and customize the app settings according to your preferences. This might include setting up alerts for specific activities or restricting access to certain apps and websites.
  • Enable necessary permissions. Ensure the app has all the permissions it needs to function correctly, such as access to location services, contacts, messages, and internet usage data.

3. Educate Your Child

It’s crucial to have an open conversation with your child about why you are using a mobile tracker. Explain that the primary goal is to ensure their safety and not to invade their privacy. Encourage them to share their online experiences and reassure them that they can come to you with any concerns.

4. Monitor Online Activities

Regularly check the app’s dashboard to monitor your child’s online activities. Pay attention to:

  • Browsing history. Ensure they are visiting safe and age-appropriate websites.
  • App usage. Monitor which apps are being used and for how long. Limit access to apps that are not suitable for their age.
  • Location tracking. Know where your child is at all times. Set up geofences around school, home, and other frequented places to receive alerts if they venture outside these areas.

5. Set Up Parental Controls

Use the app to set up parental controls, such as:

  • Content filters. Block access to websites and apps that contain inappropriate content.
  • Time limits. Restrict the amount of time your child can spend on their device, especially during school hours and bedtime.
  • App restrictions. Prevent the download and use of certain apps that you deem unsafe.

6. Encourage Healthy Online Habits

While monitoring is essential, fostering healthy online habits is equally important. Teach your child about:

  • Online privacy. Explain the importance of not sharing personal information online.
  • Cyberbullying. Encourage them to speak up if they experience or witness bullying.
  • Stranger danger. Warn them about the risks of interacting with strangers online and the importance of only communicating with people they know.

7. Regularly Review and Adjust Settings

As your child grows, their online activities and interests will change. Regularly review and adjust the mobile tracking settings to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Stay updated on new apps and online trends to better understand potential risks.


Using a mobile tracker is a proactive step in safeguarding your child’s online experience. By choosing the right app, setting it up correctly, and maintaining open communication, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with internet use. Remember, the goal is to protect and educate, helping your child navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.