Telenor International Packages

Telenor International Call Packages

  • USA & Canada Package:
    PKR 6.99 per minute
  • Activation Code: *345*32#
  • UK Package:
    PKR 7.99 per minute
  • Activation Code: *345*33#
  • UAE Package:
    PKR 12.99 per minute
  • Activation Code: *345*34#
  • Saudi Arabia Package: PKR 14.99 per minute
  • Activation Code: *345*35#
  • China Package: PKR 11.99 per minute
  • Activation Code: *345*36#

How to Subscribe

To subscribe to any Telenor international call package, you can use the respective activation code provided with each package or visit the Telenor website for more options.

Terms and Conditions

Terms may vary for each package. Please check with Telenor for specific details, pricing, and updates.